
Are you ready? Changes to Level 2 & 3 Technical Qualifications

A new regulatory approval process for Level 2 and 3 qualifications is being brought in by the DfE, IfATE and Ofqual. Is your awarding organisation ready?

A new regulatory and approval process for Level 3 qualifications is being brought in by the DfE, IfATE and Ofqual trio. If awarding organisations want their qualifications to be funded, things will need to change in AO processes.

The new employer-led approvals system, which IfATE launched for level 3 technical qualifications in January 2023, is now being extended to level 2 apprenticeships and technical qualifications. According to IfATE, approval will now only be given to level 2 qualifications that match up to employer-defined occupational standards.

New Qualification Level Conditions

The new requirements are given in Ofqual’s Qualification Level Conditions, and are not necessarily an easy read! Awarding organisations must get rapidly acquainted and comply with the new requirements for their submissions.

So far, the guidance issued by Ofqual has been hard to digest, largely because the regulator has addressed both technical and academic qualifications together (in some cases), and there are plenty of cross-overs and differences to get to grips with.

Below, we have summarised the headlines on what conditions might apply to your AO and qualifications: 

  Applies to  Covers 
ATQ1 Interpretation and definitions Applies to both Alternative Academic and Technical Qualifications Rules around definitions and interpretation
ATQ2 Assessment strategies Both Alternative Academic and Technical Qualifications Establishing and maintaining an assessment strategy
ATQ3 Alternative academic and technical occupation qualification review Both Alternative Academic and Technical Qualifications Feedback from Ofqual, to IFATE or DfE where there may be an issue or need to set a requirement
ATQ4 Assessment  Alternative Academic Qualifications only Assessment by examination and non exam assessment
ATQ5 Specified levels of attainment  Alternative Academic Qualifications only Approach to grading
ATQ6 Withdrawal of public funding from alternative academic and technical occupation qualifications  About managing any changes where public funding might be withdrawn Telling Ofqual and deciding whether the ATQs still need to apply and for how long
ATQ7 Alternative academic qualification purpose Alternative Academic Qualifications only Need for setting out qualification purposes
ATQ8 Content Alternative Academic Qualifications only Ensuring knowledge, skills and understanding are appropriate
ATQ9 Standard setting Alternative Academic Qualifications only Consistency on levels of attainment and level of demand



What is certain is each Level Condition will require more design input, development and quality assurance work from the AO, and some careful attention to detail. For example, ATQ2 has some very prescriptive guidance on assessment strategies.

Top tips

  • Check what qualifications are affected and the phasing for applications to IfATE
  • For Technical qualifications, familiarise yourself with the different purposes of qualifications
  • Identify the Level Conditions that will apply to your qualification offer
  • Start to review and adapt your qualification design and development process to fit with the new Level Conditions
  • Prioritise developing those generic documents and templates to make the development process swifter
  • Ensure that whatever system you are using to manage the design and development of qualifications is flexible, secure and capable of meeting the evolving requirements of regulators 

Having robust processes in place is, as well as know, key for any responsible awarding organisation. Using a secure software platform to set up workflows and templates, keep a record of changes and set permissions can be a game-changer: not only in terms of saving time and money, but also security and peace of mind. 

Tahdah is the all-in-one management platform that helps you save time, save money and reduce risk. Our easy to use software offers awarding organisations everything from learner registration and certification, through to alumni membership and CPD. To find out more, get in touch


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