Tahdah Insights

How e-learning can be used for upskilling or reskilling

Written by Claire Hughes | Jul 31, 2023 9:30:00 AM

Upskilling is essential in the workplace to facilitate continuous learning for employees within an existing role. It can help workers to expand their skill set and further them along their chosen career path.

As it is highly valued by employees it can be a powerful tool in helping to  retain talent and close skill gaps. Reskilling, where an individual learns new skills outside of their existing skill set, has similar benefits but is more often used when employees are looking to change roles, either due to their own preference or when organisational measures take place such as company restructures.

E-learning can be a highly effective tool for both upskilling and reskilling individuals, allowing them to acquire new knowledge and skills in a flexible and accessible manner. In this blog we will explore some of the ways e-learning can be used for upskilling or reskilling employees and the advantages it offers over traditional learning methods.

Online Courses

E-learning platforms can provide a wide range of online courses on a comprehensive variety of subjects. Individuals can choose courses that align with their desired upskilling or reskilling goals. These courses often provide structured learning materials, video lectures, quizzes, and assignments to help learners acquire new skills at their own pace.

Virtual Classrooms

Virtual classrooms enable learners to participate in real-time interactive sessions with instructors and peers, regardless of their geographical location. These virtual classrooms can incorporate video conferencing, live chat, screen sharing, and collaborative tools, creating an engaging and immersive learning environment.

Microlearning Modules

Microlearning involves breaking down complex topics into bite-sized modules, making it easier for learners to grasp information quickly. E-learning platforms often offer microlearning modules, which are convenient for upskilling or reskilling as they can be accessed anytime and anywhere. Learners can complete short modules during breaks or spare time, making learning more flexible and manageable as it doesn’t require long periods out of the office.


Gamification techniques, such as badges, leaderboards, and rewards, can be integrated into e-learning platforms to increase engagement and motivation. By turning the learning experience into a game-like environment, learners are encouraged to progress through the content, complete tasks, and achieve goals, making upskilling or reskilling more enjoyable and interactive.

Personalised Learning Paths

E-learning platforms can offer personalised learning paths tailored to individual learners' needs and goals. Through assessments or self-assessment tools, learners can identify their knowledge gaps and areas that require upskilling or reskilling. The platform can then recommend relevant courses or modules, ensuring learners focus on acquiring the specific skills they need.

Access to Diverse Learning Resources

E-learning provides access to a wealth of diverse learning resources, such as e-books, articles, videos, and interactive simulations. Learners can explore these resources to deepen their understanding of specific topics or to gain practical skills. Access to a wide range of resources enhances the learning experience and facilitates comprehensive upskilling or reskilling.

Online Communities and Discussion Forums

E-learning platforms often include online communities or discussion forums where learners can interact with instructors and fellow learners. These platforms foster collaborative learning, enabling learners to ask questions, share insights, and engage in discussions. Such interactions promote a sense of belonging and provide additional support during the upskilling or reskilling process.

Continuous Learning and Updates

Upskilling and reskilling are ongoing processes, as skills and knowledge evolve with time. E-learning platforms can provide access to continuous learning opportunities and updates. Learners can stay updated with the latest industry trends and developments through webinars, podcasts, or newsletters, ensuring their skills remain relevant in a dynamic professional landscape.

As you can see, e-learning offers a flexible, accessible, and customisable approach to upskilling or reskilling. By leveraging its diverse features and resources, employers can provide individuals with the ability to enhance their knowledge and acquire new skills to adapt to changing professional requirements.

If you would like to find out more about how Tahdah can help integrate e-learning into your workplace, please get in touch with our team and we will be happy to assist you.